Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner - Thematik: Landwirtschaft
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Thematik: Landwirtschaft

Ausgewählte Sammlungen der aktuellen Auktion



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60 - 9811

35.000 €

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"""Land Cultivation from Early Beginnings to Present Time Challenges"" - The award-winning exhibition collection of Dr. Joshua Magier, perfectly written up on 128 pages with a wide range of unique, rare and scarce items showing the aspects of land cultivation through the millennia. This extraordinary and important collection received 6 Large Golds at FIP International exhibitions (97 resp. 96 points), best in Class in Thematics at the London 2010 world exhibition and was candidate for Grand Prize International at Efiro 2008 world exhibition. It also participated at 5 world exhibitions at the Championship Class. The collection contains rare essays & proofs, stamps & souvenir sheets including a lot of varieties and errors, covers, postcards, postal stationery (from Mulreadys), advertising on covers and cards, postmarks, and many other items describing 1.) The development of land tillage, 2.) Development of sowing, harvesting, gathering and threshing in cereals, 3.) Irrigation, soil & water conservation, plant protection and research, 4.) Cultivation of selected agricultural crops, and 5.) Some socio-economic and human aspects related to land cultivation. A most impressive collection full of information, rarities, unique varieties and essays, lovely covers and cards, rare booklets and other remarkable items worldwide."

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